Q. My hubby's reading today was
HDL - 61
LDL - 167
Trigy - 89
Cholesterol ratio - 4.0
Total cholesterol - 246
Fasting glucose - 93
Blood pressure 138/80
Does this look normal or should he be on medication due to the high LDL? At what readings should a person be diagnosed with medication? Appreciate your kind replies.
Thanks so much for your kind reply, Pauline.
HDL - 61
LDL - 167
Trigy - 89
Cholesterol ratio - 4.0
Total cholesterol - 246
Fasting glucose - 93
Blood pressure 138/80
Does this look normal or should he be on medication due to the high LDL? At what readings should a person be diagnosed with medication? Appreciate your kind replies.
Thanks so much for your kind reply, Pauline.
A. Its not bad... and definitely not bad enough to take medication. I am not a doctor but I am a natural health nut who has family with high cholesterol and I watch this stuff closely.
Medication is an absolute last resort. What you will usually get is Lipitor and one your on that, its pretty much forever.... its tailored that way.
The best way to lower cholesterol is change your diet.. figure out what foods created it in the first place (chips, mashed potatoes and gravies, red meat, bacon.....its pretty obvious what does unless you just naturally produce cholesterol in your bloodstream) and eliminate them. A good routine is always eat a whole grain breakfast within 30 minutes of waking in the morning (even if you dont eat breakfast, its the most important meal and your cholesterol will lower just by doing that in most cases)as well drink 8 to 16 oz of water, clean fresh water, not tap. Then eat fibre througout the day at least every two hours.. carrots, apples, fibre bar whatever.... drink lots of water (this is the nectar of life, it has been neglected for years but science is realizing its really important to keep cells in your body working properly). There is also another thing you can do... drink an ounce of apple-cider vinegar every morning..... it cleans the arteries.... and get a multi-vitamin that contains B50 and niacin.... these also help keep the arteries clean and feed the heart which is what we worry about with high cholesterol. I know this is long but I just wanted to help... I dont promote taking any pills for quick fix... because its not good for your body to take pills.. then you have to take other pills to offset side effects and the next thing you know you have 20 pills to take every day.. the body isnt designed to filter pills..... which is why I believe people are sick in this day and age.
Good Luck
Medication is an absolute last resort. What you will usually get is Lipitor and one your on that, its pretty much forever.... its tailored that way.
The best way to lower cholesterol is change your diet.. figure out what foods created it in the first place (chips, mashed potatoes and gravies, red meat, bacon.....its pretty obvious what does unless you just naturally produce cholesterol in your bloodstream) and eliminate them. A good routine is always eat a whole grain breakfast within 30 minutes of waking in the morning (even if you dont eat breakfast, its the most important meal and your cholesterol will lower just by doing that in most cases)as well drink 8 to 16 oz of water, clean fresh water, not tap. Then eat fibre througout the day at least every two hours.. carrots, apples, fibre bar whatever.... drink lots of water (this is the nectar of life, it has been neglected for years but science is realizing its really important to keep cells in your body working properly). There is also another thing you can do... drink an ounce of apple-cider vinegar every morning..... it cleans the arteries.... and get a multi-vitamin that contains B50 and niacin.... these also help keep the arteries clean and feed the heart which is what we worry about with high cholesterol. I know this is long but I just wanted to help... I dont promote taking any pills for quick fix... because its not good for your body to take pills.. then you have to take other pills to offset side effects and the next thing you know you have 20 pills to take every day.. the body isnt designed to filter pills..... which is why I believe people are sick in this day and age.
Good Luck
How is cholesterol calculated and can you have too much good cholesterol?
Q. I went to the doctor and my cholesterol was 246 which isn't so good but my good cholesterol was 65, which she said is great. Is the LDL what's remaining after the good cholesterol is subtracted from the total? Can you have too much HDL?
A. HDL are "high-density lipoproteins" which is fancy doctor talk for cells that are high in protein, low in fat/cholesterol. This is preferred, as this is what "feeds" the body with growth proteins. Proteins power "cell" creation and repair (only). Things like muscle, skin, hair, etc...anything that grows or requires frequent repair benefit from higher counts of HDL. HDL's increase in demand with more activity. Specifically 'cardio' (meaning heart) workouts. You really can't have "too much" HDL's because if the body doesnt need the level of proteins in the blood sugar, it simply release it as it passes through the kidneys. We pee out excess proteins. They do NOT convert to bodyfat like some bodybuilders like to beleive.
LDLs are of course "Low density", meaning low protein high fat. LDL's partially provide energy to "active" muscles. The cells are often "coated" with saturated fats. As these move around the body feeding active muscles, they 'bump along' the artery walls, the leave little "skid marks" so to speak. These marks build up to become plaque, and can cause heart decrease. Reducing LDL's to under 200, (or 150 even better) would be good advice but often requires medication, diet modification, AND more physical activity.
LDLs are of course "Low density", meaning low protein high fat. LDL's partially provide energy to "active" muscles. The cells are often "coated" with saturated fats. As these move around the body feeding active muscles, they 'bump along' the artery walls, the leave little "skid marks" so to speak. These marks build up to become plaque, and can cause heart decrease. Reducing LDL's to under 200, (or 150 even better) would be good advice but often requires medication, diet modification, AND more physical activity.
How is cholesterol good for you and your body?
Q. Explain the benefits of cholesterol for the body and its functions. How does it affect joints and organs?
A. Americans are being saturated with anti-cholesterol propaganda. If you watch very much television, you're probably one of the millions of Americans who now has a terminal case of cholesterol phobia. The probaganda is relentless and is often designed to produce fear and loathing of this works of all food contaminants. You never hear the food propagandists bragging about their product being fluoride free or aluminum free, two of our truly serious food-addidtive problems. But cholesterol, an essential nutrient not proven to be harmfull in ANY quantity is constantly pilloried as a menance to your health. If you don't use corn oil, Fleishmann's margarine and Egg Beaters, you are going straight to atherosclerosis hell with stroke, heart attack and premature aging and so are your kids.
William Campbell Douglass, MD
Eat Your Cholesterol
William Campbell Douglass, MD
Eat Your Cholesterol
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