Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What types of arthritis are most likely to strike at age 17-18 in males?

Q. I know that Ankylosing spondylitis commonly occurs during 17-20 years? Are there any different form of arthritis that is more likely to attack a male of this age range? Like Gout or any other?

A. Gout usually start around middle age however you can never tell because it depend in your uric acid level in your system. Just for precaution avoid food which has uric acid content which believe me is all food. But fresh chili seeds and distilled vinegar trigger instantly gout patients

What types of arthritis are most likely to strike at age 17-18 in males?
Q. I know that Ankylosing spondylitis commonly occurs during 17-20 years? Are there any different form of arthritis that is more likely to attack a male of this age range? Like Gout or any other?

Also, can gout affect spine?

A. Yes Ankylosing Spondylitis would be the most likely.

All types of arthritis that are caused by an autoimmune diseases can occur at this age. These include Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis, Sjogren's Syndrome, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Enteropathic Arthrits and Stills Disease.

But most common would be AS.

Gout affects people in their middle ages. No gout does not affect the spine. AS, Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis and Enteropathic Arthritis affect the spine.


How to relieve arthritis of the arms during the night time?
Q. My mom suffers from severe arthritis from her hands all the way to her elbows, she can't sleep comfortably. Is there a way to relieve these symptoms so that she can get a good nights sleep??
Maybe a heated sleeve??

A. A sling with padding in it possibly.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What was a popular case of gout that was actually beneficial?

Q. Nothing can be that bad ALL of the time, can it?

A. According to Dr Jimmy Gutman gout is a painful form of arthritis. It is an indicator of a lowered immune system.

How can pain, inflammation and lowered immune system be beneficial?

It is also an indication of dietary deficiencies resulting in lowered glutathione levels. Boost your glutathione and you decrease the symptoms.

what is the best way to control gout problem?
Q. I know the drugs used to cure accute attack and to lower uric acid, but I really need to know the food that must be avoided since there are many versions (about the food). What is the suggested diet for gout patients.

A. What Should You Eat when you are diagnosed with gout?

Dietary restrictions suggest what people should not eat, but what should people eat? What foods will help control gout attacks? The American Medical Association recommends the following dietary guidelines for people with gout, advising them to eat a diet:

high in complex carbohydrates (fiber-rich whole grains, fruits, and vegetables)

low in protein (15% of calories and sources should be soy, lean meats, or poultry)

no more than 30% of calories in fat (with only 10% animal fats)

Recommended Foods To Eat:

Fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and other red-blue berries
Vegetables including kale, cabbage, parsley, green-leafy vegetables
Foods high in bromelain (pineapple)
Foods high in vitamin C (red cabbage, red bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins, oranges, potatoes)
Drink fruit juices and purified water (8 glasses of water per day)
Low-fat dairy products
Complex carbohydrates (breads, cereals, pasta, rice, as well as aforementioned vegetables and fruits)
Chocolate, cocoa
Coffee, tea
Carbonated beverages
Essential fatty acids (tuna and salmon, flaxseed, nuts, seeds)
Tofu, although a legume and made from soybeans, may be a better choice than meat

Foods considered moderately high in purines but which may not raise the risk of gout include: asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, peas, spinach, whole grain breads and cereals, chicken, duck, ham, turkey, kidney and lima beans. It is important to remember that purines are found in all protein foods. All sources of purines should not be eliminated.

What is the most popular and highly reviewed supplement for Gout Arthritis?
Q. My grandmother suffers from intense gouty arthritis and has been hospitalized numerous times in the previous years. Other than changing her diet and excercise, are there any highly renowned supplements that have had alot of positive reviews? Cherry supplements seem to be popular but I cant seem to find any that encompass a variety of natural herbs. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

A. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. There are a few things that help with Uric Acid (the main culprit that causes Gout) and the most effective one I've seen is cherries. It seems too simple, but cherries naturally help the body metabolize Uric Acid quickly and efficiently (often giving relief in as little as a few days).

Of course, there's also the good points of avoiding rich foods that cause a surge in the Uric Acid, too. has a pretty good list including protein, sugar, fats, alcohol, etc.
Good luck to you both!

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

What types of arthritis are most likely to strike at age 17-18 in males?

Q. I know that Ankylosing spondylitis commonly occurs during 17-20 years? Are there any different form of arthritis that is more likely to attack a male of this age range? Like Gout or any other?

A. Gout usually start around middle age however you can never tell because it depend in your uric acid level in your system. Just for precaution avoid food which has uric acid content which believe me is all food. But fresh chili seeds and distilled vinegar trigger instantly gout patients

What types of arthritis are most likely to strike at age 17-18 in males?
Q. I know that Ankylosing spondylitis commonly occurs during 17-20 years? Are there any different form of arthritis that is more likely to attack a male of this age range? Like Gout or any other?

Also, can gout affect spine?

A. Yes Ankylosing Spondylitis would be the most likely.

All types of arthritis that are caused by an autoimmune diseases can occur at this age. These include Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis, Sjogren's Syndrome, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Enteropathic Arthrits and Stills Disease.

But most common would be AS.

Gout affects people in their middle ages. No gout does not affect the spine. AS, Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis and Enteropathic Arthritis affect the spine.


What types of arthritis are most likely to strike at age 17-18 in males?
Q. I know that Ankylosing spondylitis commonly occurs during 17-20 years? Are there any different form of arthritis that is more likely to attack a male of this age range? Like Gout or any other?

A. Reactive arthritis or reiter syndrome which is an autoimmune condition that develps in response to infection is also common.
It usually occurs after an STD or a gastrointestinal infection and affects most likely lower extremity joints. back pain, pain in the heel can also be seen.
The classic triad of urethritis, arthritis and conjunctivitis is manifested in some patients.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How much Cholesterol should you be taking in every day?

Q. I started reading food labels, and I noticed there's a line called Cholesterol with a number in mg's. How many mg's or what is the total amount of cholesterol per day that is recommended for a 20 something female? Thanks.

A. Officially, experts say you shouldn't have over 300mg (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). I tend to think that's a little high and try to not go over half that. It really depends on your age and activity level. Maybe the link below will help a little more.

How much cholesterol is in egg whites as opposed to the yolks?
Q. One of my co-workers told me that there are equal amounts of cholesterol in both the white and the yolk.

I told her that wasn't true because the yolk is what has all the calories, fat, and cholesterol in it, so I'm doing a good thing by eating egg white omelettes, as opposed to regular ones that include the yolk.

Or am I? Who's right?

A. Your coworker is an idiot. There is zero cholesterol in the white.

But the yolk has good stuff, too, like iron and omega fatty acids, so don't skip it all the time.

How much cholesterol should the average person allow in their diet a day?
Q. Also my Cholesterol is 225, does that mean I should have less than the average person? How much is the right amount?
They did not tell me what my good cholesterol vs my bad cholesterol is but im concerned with how much intake I should allow.

A. Hi MaggieMay,

Itâs currently recommended, for individuals with normal cholesterol levels, to limit dietary cholesterol intake to 300 mg or less daily. If you have high LDL cholesterol, the current recommendations are to limit dietary cholesterol to 200 mg or less per day.

All the best,
Lisa Nelson RD

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Monday, March 18, 2013

What is the medical term for arthritis causing pain in the head, similar to hypertension symptoms?

Q. I usually have pain in my nape up to the head but my blood pressure is just above normal. The doctor ruled out hypertension. Arthritis is suspected somewhere in the spine. Is this possible? Any cure suggestions?

A. Information on arthritis,home remedies and treatment is available at

What is the exactly causes arthritis and what is the definition?
Q. ( i kno google is my friend i want a simpler def. cuz i dont want scientific answers-its for a 7th grade mid term sience pro.

A. Arthritis, like many medical terms, is a simple combination of two greek or latin roots "arthro" meaning joint-related and "itis" meaning inflammation. Arthr-itis: joint inflammation.

As to what causes it, stupid quiestion. Your five minute google search should have at least told you that there are different types of arthritis with different causes. In general though, it's autoimmune disease and wear-and-tear.

fyi, google does not filter it's content to be maximally confusing. All the information I just gave you is available and about equally easy to understand on wikipedia.

What is the difference between arthritis medicines Mobic and Celebrex?
Q. I take 200 mg Celebrex every day for arthritis. My RN friend says she takes Mobic 15 mg and it is the only arthritis medicine her hospital prescribes since it is safer and works better than Celebrex. I want to know why it is safer and what, if any, are the side effects?

A. About celebrex: It is true that it is slightly better for the stomach (GI tract in general) and it does not have the detrimental side effects (increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality) that vioxx and bextra had.
Mobic is a less specific COX-2 inhibitor and has never been shown to be any better than celebrex.
As mobic is not generic it is as expensive as celebrex.
If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to celebrex, I would recommend Etodolac as it is generic and overall better tolerated than ibuprofen or naprosyn.
From a personal standpoint: my mother tolerated celebrex ok but had severe stomach problems with mobic. As always YMMV.
Disclaimer: I am not a paid consultant for any of these companies and have no direct financial interest in them.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

What types of arthritis are most likely to strike at age 17-18 in males?

Q. I know that Ankylosing spondylitis commonly occurs during 17-20 years? Are there any different form of arthritis that is more likely to attack a male of this age range? Like Gout or any other?

Also, can gout affect spine?

A. Yes Ankylosing Spondylitis would be the most likely.

All types of arthritis that are caused by an autoimmune diseases can occur at this age. These include Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis, Sjogren's Syndrome, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Enteropathic Arthrits and Stills Disease.

But most common would be AS.

Gout affects people in their middle ages. No gout does not affect the spine. AS, Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis and Enteropathic Arthritis affect the spine.


How to relieve arthritis of the arms during the night time?
Q. My mom suffers from severe arthritis from her hands all the way to her elbows, she can't sleep comfortably. Is there a way to relieve these symptoms so that she can get a good nights sleep??
Maybe a heated sleeve??

A. A sling with padding in it possibly.

Is is possible for arthritis to be caused by a injury that caused a bacterial infection?
Q. My husband had a knife barely nip his knee while at work and within hours it caused a really bad bacterial infection and was treated with anitibiotics. He was very healthy until the injury and week after the accident he started to have pain in the are where he was injured and it is slowly spreading throughout his body. He has been consulting with a Specialist however I want to make sure this is not work related.
He has been seeing a Rhemotologist however my concern is that this was caused by the injury as he was very much healthy prior to the injury.

A. yes, it is possible to have arthritis after a joint (knee) infection. it is called septic arthritis where the infection and the inflammatory process that comes along with it destoy the cartilage (arthritis is loss of cartilage).

however, in your husband's case, it would be farily unlikely. the initial knife injury has to be fairly deep, so it would enter the knee joint (not just cutting some superficial tissue). but...if the infection in the superficial tissue got very very bad, it can potentially enter the knee joint and create a septic joint.

a septic joint/knee is very painful and painful to move. and for the most part would require surgical treatment as antibiotics, even IV, just don't get into the joint that well. most doctors, even non orthopedists, should be able to recognize it easily.

i suppose that the infection could have been blood borne and started to seed multiple joints; but again less likely and he would have gotten pretty sick (septic).

therefore...when multiple joints are involved, we get the rheumatologist involved. there is wide spectrum to rheumatological processes and many of them can cause multiple joint pain.

good luck

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What is the best remedy for the treatment of gout?

Q. I've tried limiting purines from a diet perspective. Is there anything anyone has tried before I launch into a lifetime of allopurinol?

A. I have had periodic episodes of gout for 25 years, and what works for me is this: be hyper aware of the start of soreness in any joint that usually gets the attack. If you can catch it at that point, Take 100mg Indocin capsules at once (with food), and then the following day, take 50mg in the morning, and 50mg at night until symptoms go away. This will prevent a full blown attack 90% of the time. For an acute attack, try the indocin plus darvon for pain. TAKE NO ASPIRIN AT ANY TIME as it interferes with the medication. If you stilll have a full blown episode, I agree that Cortico-steriod shots are the only 'quick-fix' but beware, used too often can lead to 'back-to-back attacks' that can go on for weeks! I don't know why this is, but it's a danger. I treat my gout on a case by case basis, and do not take allopurinol. Also, cut WAY back on consumpsion of protein, especially organ meats like liver. Hope this helps. I know Gout can be one of the most painful conditions we can ever endure.

What is the difference in the way your foot feels between a cracked bone or gout?
Q. I have pain in my left foot starting in the ball of my foot and extending to the top of the foot. What should be done for either condition?

A. When I get a gout attack it feels very much like a sprained toe. It could quite possibly be the start of a gout attack. Start alkalizing your body by drinking higher-ph water. Tap water is usually not good enough and bottled water is horrible.

Drink an 8 ounce glass of water with a half-teaspoon baking soda every two hours for a couple of days and see if the pain begins to subside.

Also, aleve works pretty good for gout pain, but beware of stomach upset.

How do I prevent a painful gout while taking a gout-inducing drug called Ethambutol for TB?
Q. How do I prevent a painful gout while taking a gout-inducing drug called Ethambutol for TB? I've taken Ethambutol for 5 weeks now, and have this severe gout pain for 5 weeks straight. What medicines should I take as an alternative to fight TB without inducing uric acid that caused gout?

A. I wish I knew what meds you could take to fight TB without giving your body excess uric acid (or keeping your body from getting rid of it).

To fight gout, best website Iâve found so far:

For gout attacks, indomethacine and/ or colchicine. You'll need scripts from your dr. for these.

Also, do these things daily: drink lots of water, 1 oz for every 2 lbs of body weight, each day. Once or twice a day, sip on 8 oz of water mixed with 1/2 tsp of baking soda. Helps the body be more alkaline (opposite of acidic) and get rid of uric acid.

Take allopurinol every day. Very inexpensive and no side effects, youâll need a script for this. Helps the body get rid of uric acid.

Take celery seed pills. These may help the liver not to create so much uric acid. For diet, stay away from things that dehydrate the body, like beer and coffee. Don't eat organ meats, high fructose corn syrup. Avoid beer; red wine occasionally is ok. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, cottage cheese, sour cream, plain yogurt in smoothies mixed with orange juice and fruit. Drink fruit juices that are 100% juice, V8 VFusion is my favorite, it comes in many flavors.

Educate yourself on foods that are high in purines, avoid these foods as the body turns purines into uric acid.

Good luck to you!

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

What is the most popular and highly reviewed supplement for Gout Arthritis?

Q. My grandmother suffers from intense gouty arthritis and has been hospitalized numerous times in the previous years. Other than changing her diet and excercise, are there any highly renowned supplements that have had alot of positive reviews? Cherry supplements seem to be popular but I cant seem to find any that encompass a variety of natural herbs. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

A. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. There are a few things that help with Uric Acid (the main culprit that causes Gout) and the most effective one I've seen is cherries. It seems too simple, but cherries naturally help the body metabolize Uric Acid quickly and efficiently (often giving relief in as little as a few days).

Of course, there's also the good points of avoiding rich foods that cause a surge in the Uric Acid, too. has a pretty good list including protein, sugar, fats, alcohol, etc.
Good luck to you both!

What is the most popular and highly reviewed supplement for Gout Arthritis?
Q. My grandmother suffers from intense gouty arthritis and has been hospitalized numerous times in the previous years. Other than changing her diet and excercise, are there any highly renowned supplements that have had alot of positive reviews? Cherry supplements seem to be popular but I cant seem to find any that encompass a variety of natural herbs. Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

A. I've found a lot of great health info on the website - very informative & it helps you to know what diets are important for certain diseases.

How can I get rid of soreness from gout?
Q. I have been suffering from painful gout in my knee that has migrated down to my ankle for about a month now. I've tried strawberries, and I am currently drinking cherry juice in hopes of getting rid of this. I'd rather not deal with the side effects of prescription remedies that have been suggested to me. I am a 51-year old male and I currently weigh more than the recommended weight for my height.

A. Hi, 38yr old male battling gout for 13yrs, doc says hereditary mainly. Two BLT's in a day and I'm on the sickening med's the next day...colchricine. You name the med I've been on it. Once the crystal's settle in aparticular area, the damage is done. NSAIDS are your best bet for pain, my attacks are usually severe enough for injections of Torodol & Decadron at the doc's office. As far as natural remediess, I've found dark cherry extract {capsules only} works. Juice has too many unwanted calories and sugars. Allopurinol should be taken daily, perscribed by doctor. I'm up to 900mg a day to maintain a 5-6 uric acid count. Be warned continous gout attacks can cause lumps of tissue forming on your elbows, knees , ankles, and anywhere else it decides to go. I don't know how serious your attacks are, but I don't know of anyone who has it as bad as I do. My worse case scenario, I had to have my left knee operated on to remove a painful bursitis on the kneecap. 13 staples north to south. If I can be of any assistance let me know. Jeffrey

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

So much acne I look like a pumpkin?

Q. I have so much really small acne it makes my face look horribly red. I'm looking for a permanent solution not just a few hour fix to my redness any recommendations? Thanks a million!

A. Go to a skin specialist. It does not have to be like this. There are drugs that will clear it all up.

Can I use acne scar medicine along with my regular acne treatment?
Q. I use Acne Free on a daily basis for a face wash treatment. I've noticed that it doesn't get rid of my acne scars, though. I looked up some easy home remedies to get rid of acne scars (the one I'd like to try is a baking soda + water mixture). Can I use both Acne Free and the baking soda mixture on a daily basis? Or will that be too much for my skin to handle?

A. yes is good to heal pimples fast

How to get rid of acne and the What is the best acne scar treatment or facial acne scar treatments?
Q. Iâm suffering from acne for many years. Tried a lot of varies treatments but very little of them used to help.

A. Hi. I have had the same problem like you for a long time and I know what itâs all about. Then by chance it happened to me to come across . This provides a great solution for your problem. Now I said goodbye to my acne forever. No scars left at all. Big thanks to this

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

How is cholesterol calculated and can you have too much good cholesterol?

Q. I went to the doctor and my cholesterol was 246 which isn't so good but my good cholesterol was 65, which she said is great. Is the LDL what's remaining after the good cholesterol is subtracted from the total? Can you have too much HDL?

A. HDL are "high-density lipoproteins" which is fancy doctor talk for cells that are high in protein, low in fat/cholesterol. This is preferred, as this is what "feeds" the body with growth proteins. Proteins power "cell" creation and repair (only). Things like muscle, skin, hair, etc...anything that grows or requires frequent repair benefit from higher counts of HDL. HDL's increase in demand with more activity. Specifically 'cardio' (meaning heart) workouts. You really can't have "too much" HDL's because if the body doesnt need the level of proteins in the blood sugar, it simply release it as it passes through the kidneys. We pee out excess proteins. They do NOT convert to bodyfat like some bodybuilders like to beleive.

LDLs are of course "Low density", meaning low protein high fat. LDL's partially provide energy to "active" muscles. The cells are often "coated" with saturated fats. As these move around the body feeding active muscles, they 'bump along' the artery walls, the leave little "skid marks" so to speak. These marks build up to become plaque, and can cause heart decrease. Reducing LDL's to under 200, (or 150 even better) would be good advice but often requires medication, diet modification, AND more physical activity.

How is cholesterol good for you and your body?
Q. Explain the benefits of cholesterol for the body and its functions. How does it affect joints and organs?

A. Americans are being saturated with anti-cholesterol propaganda. If you watch very much television, you're probably one of the millions of Americans who now has a terminal case of cholesterol phobia. The probaganda is relentless and is often designed to produce fear and loathing of this works of all food contaminants. You never hear the food propagandists bragging about their product being fluoride free or aluminum free, two of our truly serious food-addidtive problems. But cholesterol, an essential nutrient not proven to be harmfull in ANY quantity is constantly pilloried as a menance to your health. If you don't use corn oil, Fleishmann's margarine and Egg Beaters, you are going straight to atherosclerosis hell with stroke, heart attack and premature aging and so are your kids.

William Campbell Douglass, MD
Eat Your Cholesterol

How much cholesterol would be in a ostrich egg?
Q. Actually, you can eat ostrich eggs. Eggs are eggs. Just to let you know.

A. An ostrich egg is supposed to be equal to 2 dozen chicken eggs. That would mean 2520 grams of cholesterol.

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

High cholesterol, when do you have to start taking medication?

Q. My hubby's reading today was
HDL - 61
LDL - 167
Trigy - 89
Cholesterol ratio - 4.0
Total cholesterol - 246
Fasting glucose - 93
Blood pressure 138/80

Does this look normal or should he be on medication due to the high LDL? At what readings should a person be diagnosed with medication? Appreciate your kind replies.
Thanks so much for your kind reply, Pauline.

A. Its not bad... and definitely not bad enough to take medication. I am not a doctor but I am a natural health nut who has family with high cholesterol and I watch this stuff closely.

Medication is an absolute last resort. What you will usually get is Lipitor and one your on that, its pretty much forever.... its tailored that way.

The best way to lower cholesterol is change your diet.. figure out what foods created it in the first place (chips, mashed potatoes and gravies, red meat, bacon.....its pretty obvious what does unless you just naturally produce cholesterol in your bloodstream) and eliminate them. A good routine is always eat a whole grain breakfast within 30 minutes of waking in the morning (even if you dont eat breakfast, its the most important meal and your cholesterol will lower just by doing that in most cases)as well drink 8 to 16 oz of water, clean fresh water, not tap. Then eat fibre througout the day at least every two hours.. carrots, apples, fibre bar whatever.... drink lots of water (this is the nectar of life, it has been neglected for years but science is realizing its really important to keep cells in your body working properly). There is also another thing you can do... drink an ounce of apple-cider vinegar every morning..... it cleans the arteries.... and get a multi-vitamin that contains B50 and niacin.... these also help keep the arteries clean and feed the heart which is what we worry about with high cholesterol. I know this is long but I just wanted to help... I dont promote taking any pills for quick fix... because its not good for your body to take pills.. then you have to take other pills to offset side effects and the next thing you know you have 20 pills to take every day.. the body isnt designed to filter pills..... which is why I believe people are sick in this day and age.

Good Luck

How is cholesterol calculated and can you have too much good cholesterol?
Q. I went to the doctor and my cholesterol was 246 which isn't so good but my good cholesterol was 65, which she said is great. Is the LDL what's remaining after the good cholesterol is subtracted from the total? Can you have too much HDL?

A. HDL are "high-density lipoproteins" which is fancy doctor talk for cells that are high in protein, low in fat/cholesterol. This is preferred, as this is what "feeds" the body with growth proteins. Proteins power "cell" creation and repair (only). Things like muscle, skin, hair, etc...anything that grows or requires frequent repair benefit from higher counts of HDL. HDL's increase in demand with more activity. Specifically 'cardio' (meaning heart) workouts. You really can't have "too much" HDL's because if the body doesnt need the level of proteins in the blood sugar, it simply release it as it passes through the kidneys. We pee out excess proteins. They do NOT convert to bodyfat like some bodybuilders like to beleive.

LDLs are of course "Low density", meaning low protein high fat. LDL's partially provide energy to "active" muscles. The cells are often "coated" with saturated fats. As these move around the body feeding active muscles, they 'bump along' the artery walls, the leave little "skid marks" so to speak. These marks build up to become plaque, and can cause heart decrease. Reducing LDL's to under 200, (or 150 even better) would be good advice but often requires medication, diet modification, AND more physical activity.

How much cholesterol would be in a ostrich egg?
Q. Actually, you can eat ostrich eggs. Eggs are eggs. Just to let you know.

A. An ostrich egg is supposed to be equal to 2 dozen chicken eggs. That would mean 2520 grams of cholesterol.

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